Our Pateley Bridge Rally, in attendance were 45 vans with 23 from Yorkshire, 6 Northern Counties, 5 East Midlands, 4 from Chiltern, 2 each from Severn Valley and Kent and 1 from S&W Wales, Lancashire and Anglia, included in the list were 10from the motorcycle group and 6 first timers all receiving a warm welcome from hosts Sue and Will with co-hosts Dave and Jacquie.
It was a lovely weekend with the weather being kind to us. The motorcycle group went out and about into the country side with their bikes whilst others went for walks, one member took some lovely photos of the local wild life whilst others sampled the local hostelries together with local homemade ice-creams.

Then we had our rallies at Malton & Norton RUFC
This was quickly followed by the rally at Kays Barn, always popular with entertainment held on two of the nights.
The rally of the month held at Bilton Park Village Farm, Harrogate.