The Queens Jubilee Rally 1st to 5th June


The room will be open every day for your use, come over and have a game of cards,
chess or dominoes, or just have a chat and a cuppa.

Raffle tickets on sale until its drawn on Saturday Night.


Join us in the room for an informal night with a quiz


Join us in the room at 7:30 for a Bingo, fun and games.


At 1pm we are having a Street Party (Outside weather permitting otherwise we will have it inside), all contributions for the food table will be greatly appreciated.
Please join in with the Red White and Blue theme, there will be prizes for the best dressed Lady, Man and Couple.
There will also be a prize for the best decorated outside of your van.
Outdoor games for all to join in and enjoy.
7:30 in the room for Bingo and more fun and games.


7:30 in the room for Live Entertainment, there will be a prize for the best decorated table.
Raffle will be drawn tonight.


Hope you have a brilliant time and hope to see you all again.

Have a safe journey home