Information for Rally Hosts

Guidance for hosting rallies

Just a few lines for first time hosts to give you an idea of what’s involved:

Hosts will receive two free days for their rally.

Where possible a “Hosts Pack” will be handed to you in advance of the relevant rally,

The pack will include:

Direction Signs, to be placed outside of the rally to direct members in to the venue.

Booking in forms, where you will detail.  

        . The start and finish dates of the rally

        . Members membership card details,

        . The number of nights they are staying, 

        . Vehicle registration number, 

        . Note if they are first time rallies with Yorkshire MCC, 

        . Collect and store their payment which should be in envelopes

Parking up information

       Park up all vans leaving a 6 meters gap between the front, rear, and sides.
All vans should be parked facing away from any obstructions. (Walls, fences, etc)

Expenses claim form

       Detailing any expenses incurred (with receipts). This must have been agreed by the committee in advance.

The committee are available to give and advise when and if necessary, If no committee members are available you can contact them using the contact numbers that are within the pack.

When running the actual rally, apart from the above, you can do as much or as little as you like, (eg, raffles, quizzes, music, games) or just have a quiet weekend.

The committee fully appreciate your help with hosting these rallies.